Mr. Mullins

Hello My Name Is...

Mr. Mullins

Physical Education is an integral part of your child’s education that contributes to his/her growth and development. It is our goal to give your child a positive P.E. experience and to help him/her gain an appreciation of the importance of staying healthy through lifetime fitness and recreational activities. Your child will have experiences in individual, team, and group activities that place an emphasis on participation, cooperation, and success through personal goals.


A key element that contributes to a student’s success and well-being is safety. While in P.E. class students need to wear appropriate clothing and footwear. Clothing should be conducive to movement and our recommendation would be for students to wear athletic shoes.

Appropriate & Safe shoes

Rubber soled athletic type shoes

Gym shoes should have ties or Velcro




TRI FIT Fitness testing

In October, students in the third, fourth and fifth grades will participate in the Tri fit fitness test. Students will be tested in the areas of curl-ups (abdominal strength), V sit and reach (flexibility), trunk lift (strength and flexibility), push-ups (strength), and the pacer test (cardiovascular endurance). Students will then prepare for a mid year test in February. These scores will be benchmarks for them to try to beat when they do their testing again in the spring.


Students will complete units on soccer, football, basketball, baseball, hockey, volleyball, tennis, parachute games, scooter and tag games, as well as participate in fishing.



 There are some things you can practice with your child at home that will help them in their P.E classes. Here is a list of things to try:



1. Practice tying shoe laces

2. Blow up a balloon and practice hitting it back and forth

3. Play catch

4. Kick a ball back and forth

5. Practice dribbling and shooting basketball

6. See who can hold themselves up in a push-up position the longest



1. Walking or hiking

2. Recreational sports

3. Biking or inline skating

4. Jump roping or hula hooping

5. Playing catch or frisbee



Please remember if your child has an injury or something that would hinder his or her participation in class, make sure you send a note or call us to let us know what happened. Many times children can participate in other ways, which allows them to be part of the group and will keep them safe.