Contact Information
School Address: 12718 North Old Moneta Road Moneta, VA 24121-5700
School phone: (540) 297 - 4411
School fax: (540) 297 - 3280
General Questions: [email protected]
Connect With Us
MNES Facebook Page - Information
Remind App - Receive Announcements
Receive school alerts (reminders, closings, etc.) by joining the Moneta Remind group: Online Remind Registration, or text @mnesfa to the number 81010
(Accessibility Statement)
Hours of Operation
The school building is open from 7:00 am until 4:00 pm, Monday through Friday except on observed holidays or in the event of severe weather. School hours for students are as follows:
MNES Daily Schedule
7:20 am – 7:45 am |
Arrival/Breakfast |
7:45 am |
Students should be in class ready to learn |
10:50 am – 1:00 pm |
Lunch Periods |
2:15 pm |
Bus Riders Dismissed |
2:20 pm |
Car Riders Dismissed |