Gifted Education

MNES Gifted Teacher

Allison Russ
[email protected]

BCPS Gifted Education Website

What is the goal? 

The goal at Moneta Elementary is to provide an academically challenging environment in which students may thrive.

What is the objective?

Identified students will achieve the above goal by participating in instructional activities shaped by highly qualified teachers and using a differentiated instructional model and enrichment opportunities that vary throughout the school year.

How are the students served?

Students may be cluster grouped according to their identifications. Services are provided in the regular classroom and during the regular school day. Students are occasionally pulled out for enrichment activities with the TAG teacher.

What are the strategies used?

Services are directly related to instruction conducted in the regular classroom, and are structured according to the Bedford County Public Schools’ curriculum maps, pacing guides, and the VA Standards of Learning. Students will be able to exceed beyond the essential knowledge.

Who works with the gifted education program?

Each classroom teacher and the TAG teacher.