


Our Mission

Moneta Elementary will be a safe, nurturing environment engaging students in relevant and rigorous educational experiences through quality instruction, parent and community collaboration.

Our Vision

Cultivate a community of lifelong learners by empowering students to achieve excellence and self confidence.

Our Schoolwide Behavior Pledge

I pledge to:

                    BEE responsible,

                         BEE respectful, and

                              BEE kind

          In my words, actions, and relationships.

Our History

            Moneta Elementary School is located thirteen miles south of the county seat.  The school at Moneta consisted of grades one through twelve.  With the consolidation of the county high schools in 1963, the Moneta Elementary School came into existence.

            In the years prior to 1970, school children were housed in a two-story traditionally constructed building.  This building was known as Moneta High School.  In August of 1970, a new twelve unit one story construction was completed with capacity to house three hundred pupils-with grades one through seven.  Kindergarten was added to Moneta Elementary School in 1973.

            Staunton River Annex was opened  in 1979.  This provided education for students in grades seven and eight.  In 1989, Staunton River Annex became Staunton River Middle School and serves students in grades six through eight.  Moneta Elementary School now houses Pre-K through grade five.

            A preschool Head Start Program for children ages 3 and 4 began in the fall of 1989.  This program is federally funded and is directed by Lyn-Cag (Lynchburg Community Action Group, Inc.)  Head Start children are housed and receive meals at Moneta Elementary School and are transported by Bedford County Public Schools.
            In the fall of 1990, Moneta Elementary School began a Pre-GED class for adults.  The class was developed at Moneta for adults who had not completed high school and who could prepare for the General Education Development Examination (GED).
            A gymnasium and new playground equipment were added in 1992.  In 2000 the Moneta Lions Club and Bedford County Recreation department built a pavilion and donated additional playground equipment.
            In the fall of 2004, a preschool program for four year olds was added through funds provided from the Virginia Preschool Initiative.